Gary Gulman – The Great Depresh

Depression is a complicated beast. It has the ability to change how you think, how you feel and how you act.  It slowly sucks away any bit of joy that comes into your life and leaves a cloud of despair and darkness. For many, it may be a fleeting episode, for others, it’s a condition that needs life-long monitoring.  Depression feels like a child-like proof medicine bottle that you want to throw across the room because it won’t budge no matter what you do. Add in the waves of anxiety, and it’s just a whole barrel of fun complete with an on-going shower of sweat and many reps of pacing back and forth. At least it’s some sort of exercise, right?  Ya, not exactly the cardio workout one would wish for.

Gary Gulman is an American Jewish Comic that has battled anxiety as well as crippling depression for years in silence but has recently opened up and found that laughter can be the very best medicine. In his comedy special: The Great Depresh, Gary talks candidly about the dark times in his life, telling stories of his bullied youth, sharing the a-z list of antidepressants that sound like a Dr. Seuss rhyme, experimenting with electro-convulsive therapy, and ultimately choosing symptoms like dry mouth over death.  Sade, his wife, has watched Gary through the highs and lowest of lows. She goes to appointments with him, and along side their fur-family, gives Gary the unconditional love and support that he needs.

I won’t spoil anymore. There is some self-deprecating humour that you can take or leave, and you can’t help but just love Gary’s mom, Barbara. Through a documentary-style with bits of stand-up performance, it’s still an emotional journey of laughter and tears that I think is important to embrace.

To you Gary, for all your hard work in dealing with something that seems sometimes bigger than you can even handle, and to let everyone know that we’re not alone for the ride, I raise a glass of Sprite and say l’chaim, to life!

Check out Gary's website and social media sites below, and let’s hope that the depresh can be kept in remish.

๐Ÿ’œOfficial "The Great Depresh" Trailer



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