You Can Goyle Your Own Way: My Gargoyle Collection


After writing all about my newest gargoyle, Razvan, I had a lot of curiousity about the others in my collection. I took the time to snap photos and just give a bit of detail on each one. They all come in different textures, shapes, sizes and have their own unique features. I love them all.  

I’ve acquired quite a collection which was purchased myself or gifted to me by others in my life past and present.  If you remember taking trips out to Freyja and Green Earth, those were two of my favourite stores to visit and both are sadly out of business.  Other places that are still around like Angelo Decor International and Design Toscano.

If you don’t love gargoyles and find them way too creepy or they don’t align with whatever belief system you hold, that’s perfectly fine.  Some people collect coins, stamps and then there are some of us who collect more unusual things – and well as quoted by Lydia from Beetlejuice, "I myself am strange and unusual." I’m really proud of my collection and wanted to share it with my readers. This is a blog post for those who do appreciate them. 

So here we go...

My very first gargoyle that I ever got, I named him Zaffrus. He’s quite special to me and arrived at a time in my life where I was really trying to navigate life. His innocent look just brought a lot of comfort. Plus look at the beautiful detail of his wings.

Patience & Trance are best friends. When the world becomes overbearing and I start to lose faith in humanity, these two really ground me. I take a step back and find a quiet space to just be. 

My beautiful Ashes. I was listening to David Bowie’s song Ashes to Ashes when the name popped into my head. This gargoyle is pretty cool as the wings in the back come apart and in the center there is a keyhole nook for special mementos.

I named these two, The Basil Brothers. King of their castle, strong, powerful and brave. 

Dominance – The name speaks for itself. I love the detailing around the candle holders and base.

Ponder – A very neat little pewter gargoyle and candle holder. 

Creation – This one came from a store that many may remember called Freyja. Oddly enough, I never got rid of the paper! lol

Provocateur – Devilish little gargoyle, I just love his pointy teeth and dainty toes!

Fright – The name just screamed out at me. Sadly, his right wing got a bit damaged. However, we’re all a little flawed right?

Trick – An honourable gesture or as the old saying of “Beware of Greeks bearing gifts” ? I’ll never really known for sure, but I still really like the look of this one. 

Exuberance is one of my favourites, this gargoyle is really detailed in expression and when you lift off the top, there is another storage compartment.

Divinity was truly a heavenly surprise, as I was going through a spiritual awakening of sorts. 

Gnarley is a paper-made gargoyle that was made for me by my crafty friend, Mike!

On my 26th birthday, I received this gorgeous jewellery box. It stores a lot of great memories in here!

Sage – a very wise gargoyle. The lids comes off, and can be used for rings, charms, stones, pendants, or anything you want really. 

Chara – She’s my “joy.” A great pendant for my necklace.

Giles is from Angelo Decor International. I got him at a garden center. Whenever we would go shopping for flowers, I’d peek in to see what statues were around and on the shelf was just 1 statue left. When I moved out, I thought it would be nice to have my family keep him as a nice decor piece in the living room at the time by the fireplace. Now he’s at their new home and again by their fireplace.

Rudiger and Anna. Named from my favourite childhood series, The Little Vampire. They were brother and sister. Sadly, the elements of nature got the best of them. Heart-breaking...truly. I became so attached to them. After that tragic day, I no longer keep any of my ‘goyles outside, even if they are designed for outdoor use. They all have their own space inside our home.

My sweet Bodhi - Full of wisdom, enlightenment and knowledge! Another Green Earth purchase! Gorgeous detailing on this one and such a wonderful gift from Bill to celebrate our 1 year anniversary of dating. 

Virtue – He is HUGE. This picture doesn't do it justice. Shopping around for the perfect gargoyle is hard work, but somehow Bill found Virtue at Green Earth for me and he’s just the loveliest addition to the family.

Thanks for taking the time to read all about my gargoyles. If you have any of your own, or other unique collections, please by all means, leave me a comment and tell me about them!

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