Alternative Health

Looking at the calendar, we are only a few days away now from ringing in the New Year; 2010. It's certainly been an interesting year to say the least. Looking from a positive frame of mind, I have really matured a lot and have faced some of my biggest fears and continue to do so. Not every day do I feel raring to go and face reality, but i'm working towards dealing with whatever life throws at me.

When I first started to get sick, I didn't really see much of a future. I felt very upset feeling like a burden on everyone, having huge doubts about why anyone would choose to be with me and just the overall feeling of inadequacy as a girlfriend. I realize that sure I can't do all the things that I used to be able to do right now, and I'm unsure of what lies ahead, but I can be creative and embrace life in a new way, it just might not be in the way of everyone else.

One treatment that I've started up again is acupuncture. I had it done in the past with good results, so I've been going weekly. The needles don't hurt at all since they are not being deeply penetrated in the skin, there is just a tingling sensation in certain spots. It doesn't cure my aches, I knew it wouldn't, but I do feel my body is less tense and during the sessions, I can sense negative energy and stress channel out.

Another new addition has been massage therapy, which my parents are partaking in as well for their individual health issues. It really seems to help my dad’s knee after his fall. To be noted, this is not to be confused with some of the rub and tug establishments that provide "relaxation" massages. We needed doctor’s notes, and the best part is that 80% is covered. I've never been more relieved to have a good healthcare coverage plan, so it is a small miracle to have that benefit now. I’ve had only one session so far and it was wonderful! The RMT said my shoulders, back and legs were really in knots and rightfully so since I have been bed-ridden for months and continue to struggle with lower pain. My next appointment is on Wednesday so I’m looking forward to it.

So long, farewell 2009...


  1. " I can be creative and embrace life in a new way"

    I absolutely love how you put that!

    I continue to be supportive and to love you fully. Thus is how it should be babe

    I love you

  2. Hey, here's to a New Year, and to better health.

