LivingWorks: 2019 ASIST Training

I just finished LivingWorks: ASIST training! It was a 2-day workshop at Canadian Mental Health Association - Windsor this week.

After going through this training, I think everyone should consider making the time to become trained in suicide first aid.

No matter what role you take on, suicide has probably touched your life in some way. Maybe it was a co-worker, a friend, a neighbour, the love of your life, or even you.

I have some thoughts I wanted to share on a few points that I personally felt were important:

  • I can listen to someone's story and not feel guilty that I don't have all the answers. I can validate a person's feelings and try not to minimize their experience.
  • While we are talking, if i'm starting to sense something is wrong, I can ask the hardest question of all "are you thinking about suicide?" I may not get a "yes" or a "no" or even a response. It may feel uncomfortable. If I ask, please know that I genuinely care.
  • If I get stuck or feel unable to help, I can reach out for other connections. I need to be transparent and make boundaries, so I can also keep myself safe.
  • The uncertainty someone who is thinking about suicide may feel is okay. The future is unknown. I cannot promise things will get better, it might even get worse, but let's take that one step together towards life and agree that you are going to keep safe for now.

Here are various dates and information for upcoming ASIST training classes for 2020:…/mental-health-promotion/

You can also learn more at LivingWorks:


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