2019 Suicide Prevention Awareness Training: SafeTALK

When was the last time you thought about suicide? Maybe it was just a fleeting thought, but it still creeps up in your mind when life gets too overwhelming. Perhaps you know someone who told you recently they didn't want to live anymore, or the sad reality that you actually lost a wonderful person to suicide because you didn't have any knowledge to even know how to help in the first place. It's okay, you're not to blame. We're human.

Let's change from not knowing to being empowered. Let's keep each other safe. I would highly recommend taking SafeTALK the next time it is available. Being an alert helper can really make a huge difference in someone's life.

Thank you Canadian Mental Health Association - Windsor.

Check out the Suicide Prevention Awareness Training offered here for 2019. https://windsoressex.cmha.ca/progr…/mental-health-promotion/

I will be taking the ASIST training in November, so I'd love it if anyone wanted to join me for this 2-day training!

.#SuicidePrevention2019 #YouAreNotAlone

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