Customer Service: Pizza Hut Listens After All.

So after close to a month of no-reply from Pizza Hut about our terrible experience on New Years Eve, after I filled out their "Pizza Hut Listens" customer service satisfaction survey, requesting a manager contact me, and going through the modern-day version of telephone tag over social media with Pizza Hut's Facebook rep, I received a phone call today from the manager.

I am happy that my concerns were fully acknowledged and I didn't get a lame excuse of "well you know we were very busy that night..." It was clearly, yes we messed up and you should have received proper service, like any other day. Taking almost a month to get back was inexcusable.

I appreciated the additional conversation of explaining how their system works, the problems they do encounter, but trying to improve upon, and making sure I was okay with their offering, IF we want to give them another opportunity to serve us either by ordering online, dine-in, take-out or delivery. I also liked that I was informed on who to directly contact if things go astray again.

So here it is folks, if you make a mistake (yes we all do this, no one is perfect!), own up to it and ASK what you can do to resolve the situation and even offer some suggestions on how to provide a better experience/service next time. This makes a person feel validated. They may still say to you "there is nothing you can do, i'm never using your services/buying your product again" but at least you went that extra step. Just saying "i'm sorry" and leaving it like that doesn't make someone feel any better and it could result in lost business and you know how fast word-of-mouth spreads. Be proactive and go beyond "i'm sorry."

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